Transfer errors with the verb "ficar" in written production in spanish by brazilian learners


  • Javier Martín Salcedo Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA)



Contrastive Linguistic. Acquisition of Spanish. Error Analysis. Interlanguage. The verb “Ficar”.


In the last decades the field of study of Applied Linguistic (AL) has expanded, not only focusing on teaching and learning of foreign languages. However, the acquisition of Second Languages (L2) remains its favorite field. Contrastive Analysis (CA) understood that all errors committed by the students of L2 were due to a negative transfer of their mother language in the target language. The theory of Error Analysis (EA) showed that there are various reasons to explain the deviations that learners perform in their own process of Interlanguage (IL). As an example of EA, immersed in a contrastive perspective between European Spanish (ES) and Brazilian Portuguese (BP), we selected 50 productions of Brazilian students of Spanish as a Foreign Language, observing only cases of negative transfer of the support verb “ficar” in context of use, in order to systematize the extracted examples.


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How to Cite

MARTÍN SALCEDO, J. Transfer errors with the verb "ficar" in written production in spanish by brazilian learners. Revista EntreLinguas, Araraquara, p. 125–139, 2017. DOI: 10.29051/rel.v3.n1.jan-jun.2017.8842. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.


