Moodle platform as na effective tool in preparing a basic portuguese as a foreign language course


  • Eduardo Rodrigues Goes
  • Letícia Bonesso Gomes
  • Regiani Aparecida Santos Zacarias UNESP FCL-Assis



Platform Moodle. Portuguese as a Foreign Language (PFL). Teaching on-line.


The research, currently in development, proposes to analyze the platform Moodle-Unesp in an online course of Portuguese as a foreign language (PLE). The Moodle platform is a Virtual Learning Environment (AVA) that allows, among many actions, the creation and management of courses, feasibility of didactic material and student evaluations. The interaction in the virtual environment can be created by activities proposed by the teacher (administrator) using the tools available in the "Activities" and "Resources" fields, available in the platform. Likewise, the association of tools of the "Activities" and "Resources" fields with digital didactic materials and adequate procedures for the teaching of Portuguese as a foreign language (PLE) are presented. The results show that the Moodle-Unesp modules allow the insertion of a wide variety of tasks and content in different formats for the development of speech, writing, listening, reading and culture skills, thus demonstrating the effectiveness of the platform in teaching PLE.


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Author Biography

Regiani Aparecida Santos Zacarias, UNESP FCL-Assis

Professora assistente doutora junto ao departamento de Letras Modernas da FCL-Assis. Ensino de línguas estrangeiras e Lexicografia biliíngue pedagógica.


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How to Cite

GOES, E. R.; GOMES, L. B.; ZACARIAS, R. A. S. Moodle platform as na effective tool in preparing a basic portuguese as a foreign language course. Revista EntreLinguas, Araraquara, p. 19–34, 2017. DOI: 10.29051/rel.v3.n1.jan-jun.2017.9274. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.


