Signaling of schools and municipalities in the context of IDEB 2019: preliminary attempt to read IDEB-2019
IDEB, Education, School, BNCCAbstract
A preliminary analysis of Ideb 2019 was carried out, taking advantage of its launch in the third week of September 2020 (INEP/MEC, 2020. Ideb, 2020). We will focus on the behavior of Mato Grosso do Sul, as far as possible and comparatively. Some indications have already been noted, such as an advance in high school from 2017 to 2019, perhaps because of the High School Reform, which, while maintaining the same instruction, has messed with the system. Some states stood out, with Ceará now having a great rival, Goiás, and advocating the importance of municipal and local movement. It should be noted, however, that the recent advance draws attention because the high school showed, in the historical series, the already known delay; in itself, the advance was small and is very far from the request of the BNCC to "recreate the school".
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