Survey of information arising from community integrative therapy training conducted by MISMECDF of the period 2001 to 2010
MISMEC-DF, Community issues, Social intervention,Abstract
This article presents the quantitative and qualitative results from analysis of data collected from the questionnaires filled by the students in formation in Integrative Community Therapy (TCI) held by MISMEC-DF, from 2001 to 2010. The purpose of this exploration study is to understand the practices of MISMECDF in regards to its relationship with the community, penetrating the communities that participated in the TCI sessions in the Federal District. The theoretical references of this study follow the theoretical pillars of the TCI: Systemic Thought, Communication Theory, Paulo Freire’s pedagogy, Resilience and Cultural Anthropology. For this study, 10% of the quantitative data from the questionnaires “Organization of the Information of Community Therapy Sessions – OIRTC” were considered, which identified: the profile of participants, coping strategies, the main themes of sessions, the scope of TCI by Administrative Region, and records of positive feedback. For the qualitative analysis, with data collection from bibliographic review, document analysis and dissertational elements withdrawn from session records, the data was treated by method of Core Meaning Analysis (ANS), based on the analysis of content described by Bardin (1977). The sample study shows that in the sessions there is predominance of female and adult participants. This study also has the objective of mapping the main difficulties faced by the communities in the Federal District and enable a database for social intervention initiatives and public policy.
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