Thoughts on integrative community therapy related to the CAPS’s
Supporting, Bonding, Damage Reduction,Abstract
This paper describes the Integrative Community Therapy (TCI) circles’ practices in Londrina/PR’s CAPSs, happening weekly since 2002. In there people all over the town participate. In CAPS-III there are patients and parents under intensive, demi-intensive and non-intensive care, people who wait for the scheduling of the consultation for mental health issues. The goals are: report the TCI experience in the CAPSs under the view of the intervisor, as where the circles happen, as in the monthly meetings, as well as present the more frequent themes and testimonials between 2010 and 2011. We’ll show data from jottings in the field supervision journal, from the registry cards in TCI circles, from annual reports and from the spontaneously-answered survey given to people related to TCI in the CAPSs. TCI us used on mental health as a psycho-social intervention tool. In addition to be a place for support, listening and bonding, it strengthens the Damage Reduction strategies and generates some articulatory action in the services network to speed things up. The TCI circles are an important strategy to work on the individual level as well as family, professional, communal, cultural and political level. Its constant practice leads to damage reduction, in addition to a considerable strengthening of the preventive actions, resulting in healthier interpersonal and communal bonds.
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