Oshun’s Abebé
Symbolic examples of Candomblé's afro-religious imaginary and knowledge from an aesthetic perspective
Aesthetics, Afrodiasporic knowledge, Orixás, CandombléAbstract
We present an aesthetic-symbolic analysis, in the light of the Theory of the imaginary postulated by Gilbert Durand, related to the symbologies manifested aesthetically in the mirror wielded by Oxum, the abebé. In order to consider the subjectivities stemming from the Candomblé cult body, we highlight intelligible issues stemming from Afro-religiosity from an aesthetic perspective. We return to the thought capital of an Afro-diasporic tradition and the knowledge emanating from its rites through photographing its sacred objects. The approach constructed in conjunction with the Theory of the Imaginary results in an interpretation of the apparatuses of the sacred that demarcate the artifacts that makeup religiosity and conceives a path of materialization of the presence of the metaphysical divine on land. It also transposes meanings inherent in its symbolic characteristics, synthesized through sacred artifacts and their hidden connotations.
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