Intersectional Bioethics
A Latin American, Descolonial and Feminist Perspective
Intersectionality, Relational Autonomy, Social Justice, Recognition, RedistributionAbstract
A Latin American social ethics -which assumes the dialectic tension between conditions of coloniality and processes of liberation- can incorporate problems of recognition and redistribution as bioethical criteria capable of fruitful combination with the principles of autonomy and justice, to broaden their definitions in terms of relational autonomy and social justice, thus enabling transformative practices. The notion of intersectionality is central to this endeavor, its understanding tensed between two analytical directions: redistribution and recognition. Based on these elements, a cartography is organized to seek answers about whether or not intersectionality is functional to the system in those spaces where bioethical dilemmas emerge. If it is not functional, can it provide clues to move towards the transformation of inequalities, and elucidate what kind of social justice is demanded in order to accomplish participatory inclusion? Furthermore, what shadows do these forms of inclusion cast? In the conclusions we warn against falling into the merely formalized use of the notion of intersectional social justice, we point out the need to redefine intersectionality and relational autonomy in political terms and we suggest their operationalization based on the needs of specific spaces of action.
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