Inequalities in care and its consequences on mental health
Inequality, Care, Post-pandemic, Mental Health, VulnerabilityAbstract
The Covid-19 Pandemic has awakened many reflections in people from all over the world regarding mental health. One of the reflections is on the inequality of care. The quality of mental health that a population has is closely related to its quality of life and this includes economic, educational and family aspects, among others. Research around the world has shown that certain sectors of society are more vulnerable to mental health problems than others, this is mainly evidenced in socioeconomic, gender and ethnic differences. Women, people who identify as LGBT+, boys and girls, and mainly people from the lowest social classes, are the most prone to not being able to develop an adequate quality of mental health. This is due to various political and cultural factors developed over the years. Inequity in mental health is caused by social injustice and could be avoided. The present work aims to understand how these inequalities have a direct impact on mental health, specifically in the post-pandemic period that we are currently experiencing, and the challenges that we face from now on.
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