Polycode: creolized text as manipulation means
Multicode, Creolized text, Manipulation, Transforming tactics, Supporting tactics, Distracting tacticsAbstract
One way of influencing is to creolize a text. In the current study, it was discussed the manipulative potential of creolized texts. Adding an illustration to a verbal text allows the reader to visualize information and create a planned impact on the recipient other than the impact of a verbal text, i.e., the content of the verbal text is modified. Three groups of tactics were identified during the study: 1) supporting tactics (the content of the text receives support from the illustration); 2) transforming tactics (text content transformation); 3) distracting tactics (distraction of the addressee from the verbal text content). Using the tactics of the first group, one can "say" the same thing via an illustration; using the tactics of the second group; one can add ideas, change the content of the verbal text, and using the tactics of the third group, one can distract the recipients from the verbal text content.
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