Russian linguoculture: the concept “justice” as a neuclear linguistic unit of the conceptual field “guardianship”




Guardianship, Interdisciplinary research methods, Justice, Russian linguoculture


To define the internal content of the concept “justice”, that operates in the Russian linguoculture being a nuclear unit of the conceptual field “guardianship”, an interdisciplinary method, incorporating historiographical, ideographic, and introspective methods, has been used. In the Russian linguistic world image, the concept “justice” is the basic component of the concept “guardianship”. This concept reflects the idea of guardianship as a social protection of the disadvantaged part of the population in the linguistic consciousness of the Russian people. The linguocultural core of the linguistic world image consists of the concepts verbalized in the consciousness of an individual, forming in it the conceptual frameworks with the subject-specific content. From the linguoculturological point of view, the concept “guardianship” as a form of manifesting mercy in the Russian conceptosphere “Spirituality”, represents the idea of social and legal protection based on the idea of moral justice. Justice as an absolute virtue coexists in the society in three forms: moral, legal, and political.


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How to Cite

KOBYAKOVA, T. I.; GALIULLINA, S. D.; SUNTSOVA, N. L.; NURIEVA, R. Y.; OSIPOVA, G. M. Russian linguoculture: the concept “justice” as a neuclear linguistic unit of the conceptual field “guardianship”. Revista EntreLinguas, Araraquara, v. 7, n. esp.2, p. e021012, 2021. DOI: 10.29051/el.v7iesp.2.15138. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.