Understanding the nature of the main character in russian literature on the material of the novel "A Hero of Our Time" by M.Y. Lermontov
Russian as a foreign language, Graphic and symbolic analysis, M.Y. LermontovAbstract
The relevance of the study: The relevance of the study is conditioned by the necessity to popularize the Russian language in classes with a foreign audience by referring to Russian classical literature (on the example of the novel "A Hero of Our Time" by M.Y. Lermontov) with the use of innovational education technology of graphic and symbolic analysis of fiction. The purpose of the study is to create a system of lessons on the analysis of the novel "A Hero of Our Time" by M.Y. Lermontov for teaching the Russian language to a foreign audience with the application of modern technologies of teaching Russian literature to foreigners, using innovational teaching forms such as graphic symbols and key concepts reflecting the history, philosophy, traditions, and customs of the first quarter of the 19th century. Methods: The main method of study used for this problem is a creation of a graphic and symbolic system of analysis for the novel "A Hero of Our Time" by M.Y. Lermontov during Russian language classes for foreign students that would allow viewing this problem as an innovational method of teaching the Russian language to foreigners on the material of fiction. Results: The paper presents a system of graphic and symbolic analysis of the work of fiction, demonstrates the features of its application, develops an algorithm for the implementation of this system into teaching Russian to foreigners. Practical significance: The proposed system of graphic and symbolic analysis of a work of fiction in the context of teaching Russian to foreigners is an effective form of mastering the educational material for students which contributes to their realization of the communicative and linguoculturological competencies.
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