Grammar teaching for chinese students of PLE: a proposal for the imperative mode




Portuguese as a foreign language, teaching of Portuguese as a foreign language in China, grammaring, consciousness-raising task, focus on form tasks


In this article and didactic proposal, we intend to reflect on the role of grammar in foreign language classrooms, more specifically in the case of the Portuguese as a Foreign Language class for Chinese students with L1 Mandarin. First, we will analyze the relevance of the concept of grammaring (LARSEN-FREEMAN, 2003) for the didactics of foreign languages. Then, we will analyze the most pertinent approaches for grammar teaching in the language classroom that don’t neglect communication and that allow learners to construct their linguistic knowledge in a deductive way. To do so, we will try to propose ways to work on the imperative mode in European Portuguese (PE), justifying the choice of this grammatical item, and basing our proposal on the work of Ellis (2014) on focus on form tasks and consciousness-raising tasks.


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Author Biographies

Inês Silva de Almeida, Instituto Politécnico de Macau (IPM), Macau – China

PhD student of Portuguese Studies. Macao Polytechnic Institute (MPI), School of Languages and Translation (ESLT). Macao, China. 

Master's Degree in Portuguese as a Second/Foreign Language and Bachelors Degree in Languages, Literatures and Cultures (Bidisciplinary of Portuguese and English), Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto (FLUP). Oporto, Portugal

Aoran Yang, Beijing International Studies University (BISU), Beijing – China

Teaching Assistant of the School of European Studies /Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto (FLUP) - Porto - Portugal. Doutorando em Ciências da Linguagem.


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How to Cite

ALMEIDA, I. S. de; YANG, A. Grammar teaching for chinese students of PLE: a proposal for the imperative mode. Revista EntreLinguas, Araraquara, v. 7, n. esp.6, p. e021140, 2021. DOI: 10.29051/el.v7iesp.6.15384. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.