Idioms with component-phytonym semantics specification in chinese and english language
Cultural linguistics, Linguacultural aspect, Linguistic unit, Culture-specific item with phytonymsAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the semantic and structural features of phraseological units with a phytonym component in the Chinese and English languages, taking into account the cultural aspect. At the non-linguistic level, plant images are associated with the emotional background, at the linguistic level - with the translation of these emotions in the form of connotations in the semantics of linguistic units, including idioms. Idioms convey a number of cultural knowledges recorded in the national consciousness, broadcast fragments of the linguistic picture of the world and express attitudes towards certain objects, phenomena or events. In the context of the globalization of modern society, there is a need for a detailed study of the culture of the people, information about which is embedded in the semantics of linguistic units, especially phraseological units used in acts of communication.
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