Comparative analysis of wish forms on the example of tatar and english online publications




Wish forms, Online publications, Tatar and english language, Congratulations, Celebrations


This article is devoted to a comparative study of verbal means of communication as wish forms. They are an important category of speech etiquette, their significance in culture and in the life of society as a whole is undeniable. This is probably one of the few units of speech etiquette that can function in parallel with many other phenomena of speech etiquette, such as greetings, farewells, condolences, thanks, advice etc. The relevance of the topic is due to the growing interest of linguists in the problems of language and culture, the growth of intercultural relations, as well as the need to understand the place and role of verbal communication, as mutually reinforcing each other in one communicative situation, identifying their communicative-pragmatic features in typologically different structural languages, namely Tatar and English. An integrated approach to the study of verbal means of communication in the Tatar and English languages allows us to identify not only their language features, but also to show the national and cultural specifics of the Tatars and the British, to identify the similarities and differences between two completely different cultures. In this article, we decided to consider some of the most famous and common wishes such as Birthdays, Valentine's Day, Christmas, Ramadan, Kurban Bairam, as well as more specific local holidays like Saybantuy and Nauruz. The choice of this topic is not accidental since language learning and knowledge of the culture of the country under study should always go side by side. They are inextricably linked. Knowledge of the culture and traditions of the people give us the opportunity to better understand the language, since many words and expressions are a kind of reflection of their traditions. It is well known that the study of foreign languages begins with seemingly simple formulas as greetings, farewells, thanks and wishes. This topic, in our opinion, allows you to plunge deeper into the culture of the studied country. The best way to realize and understand the depth of the language is to compare it with your native language. Identify both similarities and differences. For a more accurate and in-depth analysis, we decided to consider examples from online sources. This choice as a source is not accidental, since today the Internet is the richest and most complete source of information, since it is there that you can find standard template greetings and postcards. However, in this work, we tried to consider not so much the template greetings used as a model, but the greetings of politicians, celebrities and editorial staff of online publications. Since, living language, in our opinion, is the most interesting and accurate source for comparing two genetically unrelated languages. After analyzing this material, we came to the conclusion that, first of all, the content of the wish is chosen by the speaker with an emphasis on the generally accepted system of values of the listener, his own ideas about what is bad and what is good for the addressee, whether the wish is pleasant or unpleasant to the addressee.


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How to Cite

NURGALIEVA, L. A.; MOTYGULLINA, Z. A.; KHISAMOVA, V. N. Comparative analysis of wish forms on the example of tatar and english online publications. Revista EntreLinguas, Araraquara, v. 7, n. esp.3, p. e021042, 2021. DOI: 10.29051/el.v7iesp.3.15700. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 jul. 2024.