Influence of digital educational resources on didactic possibilities for the educational process (on the example of english language)
Digital technologies, Digital literacy, Teaching and educational process, Didactic opportunities, The cutting-edge technology in teachingAbstract
The effective organization of the educational process in the context of rapid acceleration of the society’s digitalization is impossible without increasing its digital literacy. Consequently, it is necessary to study the current state of digital literacy, and to seek and implement new learning models in the educational system based on the application of modern innovative technologies and digital teaching methods. This research aimed to study the level of teachers’ digital literacy, as well as opportunities and future trends in digital didactics. Two major methods have been used: development of an abstract-logical model and a survey in order to measure the level of digital literacy of teachers and educators in Ukraine. The analysis of the survey data has revealed that teachers and university professors have reached the highest level of digital literacy, which is significantly higher than the average Russian level.
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