Saving of the language as cultural heritage as the sphere of IRCICA's international activity
IRCICA, Cultural heritage, Language, CommunicationAbstract
Language not only performs as a method of functional communication but also displays the speaker’s cultural identity and the cultural heritage produced by all former users of that language. The study's main aim is to analyze the activities of the Research Center for the study of Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA) of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on the saving of the historical and cultural heritage of the Tatar people, predominantly language. The main objective of the study implies the presentation of the experience and practical steps of this organization aimed at preserving the cultural heritage of the Tatar people, including language. The methods utilized in this study involve systematization, analysis of specific situations and description of them, comparison as well as concluding. The study’s results demonstrate the importance of such organizations for the scientific world and their role in society.
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