Development of students’ language competence
The study of the linguistic and cultural characteristics of a foreign language
The study of the linguistic and cultural characteristics of a foreign language, Informative understanding of the communicative situation in texts, Consideration of cultural aspects related to the linguistic spaceAbstract
The process of learning a foreign language is more and more strongly associated with the need to understand the didactic material in accordance with the acceleration and appropriateness of the expansion of the space covered by multilingualism and multiculturalism. The article is devoted to the development of linguistic competence of non-linguistic university students as the most important means of interpersonal understanding, the mastery and assimilation of the real and fictional world, the development of notions, as well as reflections about themselves; of creating vital conditions for the development of competencies related to the process of informative reading, mirroring, reflection, communication, and forming content-related notions; writing-composing texts, studying the linguistic and cultural characteristics of a foreign language, as well as the connotations associated with additional semantic or stylistic functions, which are consistently associated with the primary meaning in the minds of native speakers.
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