Integrative verbal knowledge as the basis for the formation of students’ communicative competence
Integrative verbal knowledge, Language ability, Students’ communicative competence, Creative language use, Speech-creative developmentAbstract
This article presents a process of forming students’ communicative competence through integrative verbal knowledge, the purpose of which is to prepare an individual who is able to perceive, reproduce and create texts of different styles and genres. The leading research methods of the problem are the design of students’ language activities and experimentation with the word and text. It has been concluded that the design of students’ activities facilitates a solution of a set of didactic problems. By means of an example of the organization of educational and research work concerning integrative verbal knowledge in high school, the possibilities of using research work in the process of speech-creative development of students have been considered and a general conclusion about the effectiveness of the formation of communicative competence of students on the basis of integrative verbal knowledge has been made.
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