"Portuguese makes me happy": sharing emotions in PFL teaching and learning humanizing practices in a context mediated by computer
Portuguese as a foreign language, Teaching and learning, Emotions, Humanizing approach, Multilingual and multicultural context, Language teacher education,Abstract
What is the relationship between learning a language and feeling yourself happy? Which contexts and actions can promote more humanizing language learning? Based on the “learning language positivelly” assumption (GOMES DE MATOS, 1996, 2009, 2010, 2014), this study aims at characterizing a multilingual and multicultural virtual context (DE OLIVEIRA, 2014), which allows humanizing practices of Portuguese as foreign language (PFL) teaching and learning. In such context, a Mexican partner shows her positive emotions and feelings about learning PFL with a Brazilian partner. She also reflects about your earlier and not so humanizing experiences of learning PFL and about the role of language teacher in promoting well-being sensations in learning process. The results suggest that emotions must be considered if we wish to establish a belonging and identifying learning in a multilingual and multicultural context (MURPHEY; PROBER; GONZALES, 2010; BARCELOS, 2010; PELLIM, 2010; DE OLIVEIRA, 2014) and that the humanizing content of interactions supports the success of teaching and learning process and the language teacher’s reflection.
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