An experience in PLE classes: the sensitivity and emotionality in reading classes and teaching of verbs in the past tense perfect and imperfect
Reading, Emotion, Sensitivity, Oral competence,Abstract
In this article, I try to show my experience with an activity related to sensitivity in a reading class of a PLE course (Portuguese as a foreign language) for students of Hispanic origin, from the planning stage until the time of evaluation, providing guidance for all the activities used throughout the process. The steps of this process are separated according to the students´ profile (we work with two specific groups of intermediate level students), the choice of material utilized, the strategies used, the dynamics applied, and the oral assessment, where, to my surprise, the students demonstrated a sensitivity that generated a very emotional environment, resulting in increased trust and complicity. Often these feelings are absent in a classroom, which allows the distance between the teacher and student to be an inhibiting factor at the time of oral practice of the language you are learning. The closeness between people provides a welcoming, pleasant environment which is more conducive to interaction and consequently more sensitive.Downloads
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