Materiales para el diccionario de V.A. lenguaje poético de Zhukovsky



Palabras clave:

V.A.Zhukovsky, Lexicografía, Diccionarios de lenguas de escritores, Lexema, Ónimo, Lengua poética, Tradición


El artículo de investigación proporciona una presentación detallada de un nuevo proyecto lexicográfico, destinado a continuar la serie desarrollada de diccionarios de frecuencia alfabética de escritores rusos del pasado, en particular, los poetas de la galaxia de A.S. Pushkin, así como sus predecesores. El corpus de texto del diccionario consta de todas las obras poéticas conocidas de V.A.Zhukovsky. La metodología para compilar este libro de referencia lexicográfico fue probada en el proceso de creación de nuestros diccionarios de escritores de frecuencia alfabética anteriores. El diccionario incorporará tres secciones, es decir, la lista de palabras, utilizadas en las obras poéticas de V.A.Zhukovsky (incluidos los extranjerismos léxicos y fraseológicos); la lista de nombres propios, que se pueden encontrar en su poesía; la calificación de las palabras más utilizadas (utilizadas no menos de 10 veces). El artículo de investigación proporciona un ejemplo de un fragmento de la lista de palabras del Diccionario del lenguaje poético de V.A.Zhukovsky, elaborado sobre la base de la investigación realizada.


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Biografía del autor/a

Dmitry N. Zhatkin, Penza State Technological University, Penza, Russian Federation

Doctor of philology, professor, head of the Department of Translation and Methods of Translation

Nikolay L. Vasilyev, National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University, Saransk, Russian Federation

Doctor of philology, professor of the Department of the Russian Language

Igor R. Stepkin, Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russian Federation

Candidate of philology, associate professor, UNESCO chair holder


A Guide to A.S.Pushkin / M.K.Azadovskiy, M.P.Alexeyev, N.S.Ashukin [et al.]. Moscow: Eksmo, 2009. 588 p.

CHEREISKIY, L.A. Pushkin and His Immediate Circle. 2nd Edition. Leningrad: Nauka, 1988. 544 p.

Dictionary of A.S.Pushkin’s Language: in 4 vol. / Executive editor V.V.Vinogradov. Moscow: State Publishing House of Foreign and National Dictionaries, 1956–1961. Vol. 1–4.

Dictionary of the Language of the Russian Poetry of the 20th Century / Executive editors: V.P.Grigoriev, L.L.Shestakova. Moscow: Languages of Slavic Cultures, 2001–2017. Vol. 1–7 (edition continues).

Frequency Dictionary of M.Y.Lermontov / Edited by V.V.Borodin, A.Y.Shaikevich. Lermontov’s Encyclopedia. Moscow: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1981. p. 717–774.

GOLOVANEVSKIY, A.L. F.I.Tyutchev’s Poetic Dictionary. Bryansk: Publishing House of I.G.Petrovskiy Bryansk State University, 2009. 962 p.

IZMAILOV, N.V., ZHUKOVSKY, V.A. History of Russian Poetry: in 2 vol. Leningrad: Nauka, 1968. Vol. 1. p. 237–265.

KIMYAGAROVA, R.S. Dictionary of the Language of I.A.Krylov’s Fables. Moscow: Onyx, 2006. 926 p.

KOLTSOV, A.V. Index of Words and Word Forms in Poetry / Edited by R.K.Kavetskaya. Voronezh: Publishing House of Voronezh State University, 1991. 181 p.

SHAW, J.T. Pushkin. A Concordance to the Poetry: in 2 vol. Moscow: Languages of Russian Culture, 2000. Vol. 1–2.

SHESTAKOVA, L.L. Russian Author Lexicography: Theory, History, Modernity. Moscow: Languages of Slavic Cultures, 2011. 463 p.

VASILYEV N.L., ZHATKIN D.N. A.A.Delvig’s Language Dictionary. Moscow: Flinta; Nauka, 2009. 148 p.

VASILYEV, N.L. A.I.Polezhayev’s Language Dictionary. Saransk: Publishing House of Mordovia State University, 2001. 87 p.

VASILYEV, N.L. Dictionary of N.P.Ogarev’s Poetic Language. Saransk: Publishing House of Mordovia State University, 2013. 121 p.

VASILYEV, N.L. Experience of Comparing Poetic Vocabularies of F.I.Tyutchev and A.I.Polezhayev // F.I.Tyutchev – Russian Poetic and Political Linguistic Personality: Collection of the International scientific remote participation conference dedicated to the 210th anniversary of the birth of the poet, politician and diplomat – Bryansk: Publishing House of I.G.Petrovskiy Bryansk State University, 2013. p. 193–196.

VASILYEV, N.L. On A.S.Pushkin: Classic’s Language, Poetics of Novel “Eugene Onegin”, Writer and His Contemporaries. Saransk: Printing House “Krasny Oktyabr”, 2013. 387 p.

VASILYEV, N.L., ZHATKIN, D.N. Dictionary of D.V.Venevitinov’s Poetic Language. Moscow: Flinta; Nauka, 2017. 108 p.

VASILYEV, N.L., ZHATKIN, D.N. Dictionary of E.A.Baratynsky’s Poetic Language. Moscow: Flinta; Nauka, 2016. 156 p.

VASILYEV, N.L., ZHATKIN, D.N. Dictionary of I.I.Dmitriyev’s Poetic Language. Moscow: Flinta; Nauka, 2017. 128 p.

VASILYEV, N.L., ZHATKIN, D.N. Dictionary of K.F.Ryleyev’s Poetic Language. Penza: Publishing House of Penza State Technological University, 2017. 99 p.

VASILYEV, N.L., ZHATKIN, D.N. Dictionary of K.N.Batyushkov’s Poetic Languag. Moscow: Flinta; Nauka, 2018. 97 p.

VASILYEV, N.L., ZHATKIN, D.N. Dictionary of N.M.Karamzin’s Poetic Language. Moscow: Flinta; Nauka, 2016. 80 p.

VASILYEV, N.L., ZHATKIN, D.N. Dictionary of P.A.Vyazemsky’s Poetic Language (with an attachment of his little-known and unpublished poems). Moscow: Flinta; Nauka, 2015. 424 p.

VASILYEV, N.L., ZHATKIN, D.N. N.M.Yazykov’s Dictionary. Moscow: Flinta; Nauka, 2013. 120 p.

VASILYEV, N.L., ZHATKIN, D.N. Dictionary of D.V.Davydov’s Poetic Language. Moscow: Flinta; Nauka, 2016. 100 p.

VORONOVA, T.A. Dictionary of Arseny Tarkovsky’s Lyrics. Voronezh: Voronezh State University, 2004–2014. Parts 1–3 (edition continues).

ZHATKIN, D.N., & VASILYEV, N.L. On the Experience of Work over the Dictionary of V.A.Zhukovsky’s Poetic Language // Russia in the World: Problems and Prospects for the Development of International Cooperation in the Humanitarian and Social Sphere: materials of the X International Scientific and Practical Conference (Moscow – Penza, April 15-16, 2021). Moscow–Penza: Publishing House of Penza State Technological University, 2021. p. 72–78.

ZHUKOVSKY, V.A. Complete Works and Letters: in 20 vol. / Executive Editor A.S.Yanushkevich. Moscow: Languages of Russian Culture / Languages of Slavic Cultures (LSC) / Publishing House of LSC, 1999–2020. Vol. 1–16 (edition continues).

ZHURAVLEVA, G.S., KHASHIMOV, R.I. Dictionary of Ivan Bunin’s Poetic Language: in 2 parts. Moscow: Azbukovnik, 2015. Parts 1–2.



Cómo citar

ZHATKIN, D. N.; VASILYEV, N. L.; STEPKIN, I. R. Materiales para el diccionario de V.A. lenguaje poético de Zhukovsky. Revista EntreLinguas, Araraquara, v. 7, n. esp.8, 2021. DOI: 10.29051/el.v7iesp.8.16361. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 dic. 2024.