Living on art and nature in children and their repercussions in adult lif
Art and nature, Child education, Memory, Oral History.Abstract
This research refers to recover the trajectory experienced by the children who attended the "Aldeia Recreação Infantil" from 1980 to 1986 in Araraquara-SP, in order to identify the importance of practices integrated with nature, such as cultivation and elaboration of food, contact with animals, creative art, respect with others when playing and coexistence with the school community, provided personal and cultural references and values in their adult lives. For that purpose, Oral History was used, based on narratives of these ex-students, who were between 2 and 6 years old at that time. Testimonies were collected from their significant memories that brought the basis for an analysis and references of principles and values reflected in their adult life. It is perceived that although the experiences of this group were given at such a young age, they remained alive, since they are imprinted in their corporeal memory and being sensorial not mental and / or intellectual.
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