Transdisciplinary psychopedagogy: Highlighting the benefits based on systems theory




Transdisciplinary psychopedagogy, Systems theory, Psycho-pedagogical diagnosis


Transdisciplinary Psychopedagogy understands the individual as a whole, based on the systems theory. We must investigate how the organism, body, desire, and intelligence, which integrate the subject's life structure, are found, since they are parts of the individual and interfere in the learning process. In psychopedagogy, the diagnosis based on the transdisciplinary theory aims to guide psychopedagogues to have a different look during the evaluation of their patients. Thus, this experience report was based on a qualitative and descriptive bibliographic research to elucidate this diagnosis in the clinical context, with the purpose of guiding psychopedagogues to have a differentiated look. The results showed that when we understand this look as a whole, without leaving aside the parts that make up the system in which this individual is inserted, we can elucidate the entire process of diagnosis and psychopedagogical treatment for this subject. Thus, we carried out a work with support and, in a certain way, we understood the whole process in which this subject was constituted at school and outside of it, carrying out some sessions of individual interventions in order to present to this subject that he/she is capable of learning.


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Author Biographies

Simone Martins de Caires Palaro, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Araraquara – SP – Brasil

Aluna Especial no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Escolar. Professora auxiliar na rede Estadual do Estado de São Paulo. Especialista em educação especial e psicopedagogia. Docente convida da Unisagrado.

José Anderson Santos Cruz, Programa de Educação Continuada em Economia e Gestão de Empresas (PECEGE) (ESALQ/USP MBAs), Piracicaba – SP – Brasil

Professor Associado. Doutor em Educação Escolar (UNESP). Editor da Editora Ibero- Americana de Educação. Editor e Assessoria Técnica para periódicos.


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How to Cite

PALARO, S. M. de C.; SANTOS CRUZ, J. A. Transdisciplinary psychopedagogy: Highlighting the benefits based on systems theory. Themes in Education and Health, Araraquara, v. 17, n. 00, p. e021021, 2021. DOI: 10.26673/tes.v17i00.16734. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 dec. 2024.



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