The ChatGPT in the health education of people with intestinal ostomies
Potentialities and controversies
Machine learning, Teaching, Enterostomal therapy, Artificial intelligence, TechnologyAbstract
The objective was to explore a sequential way of using ChatGPT in health education for people with an intestinal stoma, using a fictitious case based on Marjory Gordon. This is an experience report in 6 stages, the clinical case (ETRB user) was prepared by the group of authors. Artificial Intelligence (AI), after being trained, was notably able to define affected Gordon patterns, and health education needs, classify products to be used and ways of re-approaching even patterns judged as more subjective, and finally, recommend goals. Even considering bioethical dilemmas, it is problematized that ChatGPT is useful, imitating human reasoning, however, through a “dead direct language”, thus, professional experience is the key to using ChatGPT. Living Work in action cannot be captured by AI, and, if there is no professional reflexivity, there is no way for dialogization and implementation of practice/education as “living perceptions”.
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