Reinsertion social, and drug addiction female prison population closed system in the Federal District
Integrative Therapy Community, Deprivation of Liberty, Social reinsertion,Abstract
This paper describes the experiences in the wheels of Integrative Care Community (ICC) in the Women’s Closed Penitentiary System of DF. It’s was observed that no similar work was performed with the population of the closed system in DF. Then came the interest of performing with this population the program wheels of ICC. It is known that many crimes are motivated by drugs use. It is also know that the link between individual and drugs is not broken by the arrest. In prison is not offered treatment and this provides the practice of new crimes when people are put at liberty. Relationships are conflicting, the bonds are weak and many prefer to remain anonymous. Wheels had as its main focus: create space to receive and listen respectfully; sharing of experiences between other prisoners with similar problems; rescue of self-esteem and hopes for better days. Our method used nursery rhymes and group dynamics. The Women in situations of deprivation of liberty who participated in the ICC and crafts Workshops, conquered space for exhibition of their work at fairs, had high self-esteem, create links between them and awakened to the autonomy and solidarity, improving their conditions of return to social life.
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