The insertion / reinsertion of children with chronic kidney disease (ckd) in schools: the implementation of a dialogical project between school and health service
Education. Health. Hemodialysis. Psychoeducation. Intervention.Abstract
The aim of this study was to integrate children and adolescents with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in schools as it was verified, by the psychopedagogical service, that these children were not frequently attending regular educational institutions. Therefore, technical visits were made to schools aiming a global comprehension of the child in the school environment as well as offering the schools information about CKD and its consequent nutritional, emotional and social care. Visits to children's and adolescent´s schools yielded interviews and dialogues with all school staff involved. This study highlights the importance of effective partnership between hospital and school teams regarding the maintaining the schooling of CKD patients. For future actions, systematization of psychoeducational intervention is to be sought.Downloads
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