Analysis of the “normatizing” of the Venezuelan crisis in Brazil and its relationship to discursive policy of “operação acolhida”




migrations, identities, armed forces, borders, operação Acolhida


Based on a political-media analysis of the resurgence of the Venezuelan migratory movement towards Brazil, especially in 2017, the article aims to investigate the bilateral, concomitant nature of Brazilian humanitarian governance related to care and control, benevolence and threat. This dynamic is reinforced in 2018 with the creation of the “Operação Acolhida”, which will be exposed in the article through the observation of official images and videos and a brief and incipient field study. It is intended to question how the imaginary of emergency that the media and politicians were mobilizing ends up (re) producing, through discursive, visual, aesthetic practices of the Operation, a vision of otherness, about who are Brazilians and who are Venezuelans. The article uses the post-structuralist approach, focusing on the discursive construction of subjectivities and the collective identity of the “Brazilian nation”, as well as on the political consequences of certain speeches and practices regarding identity, security and mobility, taking as a methodological contribution discourse analysis. In this sense, investigating representation strategies performed by the Brazilian Army that transform the threatening spectacle of the “flood, invasion of refugees” into a compassionate stage of care, benevolence becomes central to this article, as well as exposing the migratory vulnerability experienced in this process.


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Author Biography

Victória Figueiredo Machado, PUC-Rio. Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brasil. Mestranda em Relações Internacionais.

Mestranda no Instituto de Relações Internacionais da Puc Rio.


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