Oral competence difficulties in secondary education students within a bilingual society with two languages in contact: the case of english teaching to catalan and spanish speakers
Language contact, Oral competence, Second language Acquisition, Interaction, Feedback.Abstract
Learning additional languages is considered to be something positive and stimulating for a lot of people. Such is its significance or value that almost every citizen knows more than one language. The purpose of this study relies on showing how English language is acquired in a society where there is a language contact between Catalan language and Spanish language, focusing particularly on the kind of communication and interaction within the educational system. Its main objective is to find out the attitudes learners have towards this topic and indicate the ways in which they make use of the language, so as to mention the major obstacles they may face in the acquisition process. Additionally, it tries to highlight which are the most relevant aspects to carefully bear in mind when developing oral communication within the classrooms.Downloads
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