Lingua-pragmatic characteristics of bilingualism coverage in media discourse of Tatarstan
Media discourse, Bilingualism, Linguistic identity, Pragmatic settings, Language policyAbstract
The article represents the results of the Tatar media discourse analysis aimed to the defining the lingua-pragmatic characteristics of bilingualism coverage and pragmatic settings of the Tatar linguistic identity as well (in relation to regional and individual bilingualism), as media discourse has “exclusive suitability […] in researches on bilingual linguistic identity discourse” (ANTONOVNA; RISHATOVNA; GUMEROVNA, 2019). Having analyzed 50 newspaper articles and 16 posts (all found) in social network Vkontakte (VKONTAKTE with bilingualism as the central topic, the authors came to the following conclusions about the peculiarities of bilingualism coverage in Tatar media discourse: in traditional media discourse the problem of bilingualism is widely covered, while in Tatar internet discourse it finds rather weak coverage, but much more emotional (as the topic is raised by speakers with strong national identity only). Due to the fact that “Russian is still the prevalent functional language in all spheres of language use in Tatarstan” (VESSEY, 2013). both in traditional media discourse and internet discourse the use of the Tatar language in all spheres of life is understood as bilingualism, not the coexistence of the two official languages of the Republic, though the recognition of bilingualism as the part of national identity also takes place. The actual position of the Tatar language is stated not legitimate and both the government of the Republic and the ordinary native speakers are to be blamed for it. It is frequently mentioned that the development of harmonious bilingualism in Tatarstan requires the adoption of additional legislative measures, strict control over their compliance, wider and better implementation of the Tatar language in the educational and legislative processes, holding events in support of the tatar language, etc. in internet discourse, the problem of bilingualism in family circle is also raised.
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WIGGLESWORTH-BAKER, T. Language policy and post-Soviet identities in Tatarstan. Nationalities Papers, v. 44, n. 1, p. 20-37, 2016.
НУРУТДИНОВА, А. Н. Дискурс многоязычия в прессе и Интернет-ресурсах Татарстана. Вестник экономики, права и социологии, n. 2, 2018.
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