Linguistic and didactic aspects of the “linguistic consciousness” formation in teaching foreign languages: grammar skills formation
Teaching grammar, Grammar skills, Communication skills, Linguistic component, Active grammar, Passive grammarAbstract
The process of learning grammar is quite time-consuming. Poor grammar is often the reason that prevents people from communicating freely and competently in a foreign language. Definitely, some textbooks offer a sufficient number of grammar exercises, but, as a rule, these exercises are not aimed at communication. Therefore, it is quite natural that at the beginning of the formation of grammar skills, students do not have sufficient linguistic competence and psychological readiness for full-fledged foreign language communication. Consequently, the task of teachers is to create such conditions in the educational process where students are involved in communication step by step, with a gradual increase in psychological stress and linguistic load, at the same time including grammar tasks in the learning process. Thus, the relevance of this article is determined by the increased requirements for the quality of teaching a foreign language with a view to earlier communication and the undeveloped issues related to the problem of developing and improving grammatical skills.
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