The enrollment by the discourse of a norwegian child in the process of acquisition of portuguese
A case study
Discourse, Enunciation, Language Acquisition, Me-YouAbstract
The present work aims to analyze a case study referring to the registration of a Norwegian child by the speaker in the process of acquiring the Portuguese as a second language. We reserve for this investigation the consideration of the simultaneous position of subjective person and non-subjective person from the perspective of printing an enunciative view of the material belonging to the enunciative subject, from Benveniste's enunciative perspective, which favors the enunciation and language acquisition interface. This approach considers the discourse as the bearer of a message and as an instrument of action, in which the subject is able, through the individual act, to give you the forms that marks the discourse and, in the meantime, constitute itself as eu-tu, through a dialogue with your voice, due to the same fact of enunciating and developing the language acquisition process at the same time. Wherefore, the results have showed, that you become the eco of the self, favored by the mediation between you and me as a condition of language appropriation.
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