"Human nature": phenomenology vs naturalism
Human nature, Cognitive science, Phenomenology, Naturalism, EnactivismAbstract
The article systematizes the philosophical knowledge of human nature from the point of view of two traditionally mutually exclusive methodological positions: on the one hand, cognitive science, which seeks to objectify the world and the essence of man in this world; on the other hand, a phenomenological discourse that elevates the subjective experience of human existence to the absolute, and, as a consequence, the ontological essence of man. It is found that the insufficiency of each of the described methodological approaches quite organically led the social theory to their collaboration - the emergence of enactivism. This approach to the definition of human nature turns out to be more complete, since it combines both pictures of the world - phenomenological and scientific. The article also traces the theoretical and logical connection between enactivism and the ideological attitudes of Indian religious teachings. The authors discover this connection by analyzing such aspects of the methodology as ontology, the process of cognition, the way of perceiving reality, etc.
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