Information and communications technology in distance assessment of learning outcomes in linguistics students
Pedagogical assessment, Distance learning, Distance learning technologies, Distance testing, Digital competenceAbstract
The purpose of the study is to find the optimal conditions for using digital technologies to evaluate learning outcomes and the quality of educational services. The article presents the results of an empirical study (an anonymous online survey) of the attitude of teachers and students in three Russian universities to pedagogical assessment using distance technologies. The educational environments of higher education institutions of different universities have achievements in activating the use of e-technologies and demand for their development in the pedagogical assessment of learning outcomes remains. The main problems hindering the process of introducing remote assessment of the results of teaching linguists using ICT are the lack of highly qualified personnel; insufficient level of readiness of subjects of the educational process for this form of control; difficulty in forming project groups for the development of educational tests; weak feedback and insufficient motivation among teachers and students.
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