Didactics of textbooks on the culture of the peoples of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Culture, Yakutia, Meta-subject, Practical orientation, DidacticsAbstract
The paper analyzes the didactics of textbooks on the traditional culture of Yakutian peoples, based on the technology of meta-subject learning, focused on the personally significant intellectual and practical development by students of the life-affirming, human-creating potential of the culture of their native people. To form a holistic understanding of the traditional culture of the indigenous peoples of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) among schoolchildren, the research presents (1) the materials in a wide range in connection with other academic subjects and (2) ethnological, ethno-psychological, and philosophical views of peoples about human life. Today, the search for common ground uniting the unique and distinct cultures of the peoples of the Republic becomes relevant. On such a basis, it is possible to ensure the preservation and prosperity of peoples in the future and their spiritual unity.
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