From paremias, variants and synonyms

Interfaces between Portuguese and Spanish in the teaching and learning of PLE




PLE, Proverb, Synonymous, Variant, Refranero Multilingüe


Having proverbs as the object of study and application in the teaching and learning of Portuguese as a Foreign Language (PLE), a proposal will be presented aiming to provide students with the opportunity to expand their vocabulary and refine their understanding of certain sententious statements, using the Spanish language as a bridge language. The choice of this language was based on the context of teaching Portuguese as a Foreign Language to groups of students from different countries around the world. The corpus to be worked on in the classroom will start with the presentation of proverbs in Portuguese known and published in the Refranero Multilingüe of the Cervantes Institute. Information on variants and synonyms of these sententious statements will be expanded through the students' research in the RM and in paremiographic repertoires in Portuguese and Spanish. This work will be based on studies by Teixeira de Faria (2021) on synonymy and variation and Sevilla Muñoz & Crida (2017) on the typology of proverbs, among others.


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Author Biography

Sandra Aparecida Teixeira de Faria, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Professora Associada. Doutorado em Estrutura e Função de Unidades Linguísticas (UCM).


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How to Cite

TEIXEIRA DE FARIA, S. A. From paremias, variants and synonyms: Interfaces between Portuguese and Spanish in the teaching and learning of PLE. Revista EntreLinguas, Araraquara, v. 9, n. esp.1, p. e023028, 2023. DOI: 10.29051/el.v9iesp.1.18633. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 dec. 2024.