Problematizing teaching and learning practices on Moodle platform: approaches with hybrid methodology
Technologies, Virtual learning modalities, Moodle, Hybrid teaching,Abstract
This chapter aims to accomplish a reflective-critical study about Moodle teaching experiences in the disciplines of the Didactics of the undergraduate degree in French and Portuguese at the University of São Paulo. We will present the theoretical foundations that support this study, more particularly, the transformations brought by Information and Communication Technologies and Internet and the consequences in the learning culture (COLL; MONEREO, 2010; KENSKI, 2008). We will also discuss the general framework of teaching methods brought by these changes in the teaching and learning approaches, specifically in hybrid modality (COLL; MONEREO, 2010; VALENTE, 2014; BACICH et al., 2015). Afterwards, we will describe the Moodle activities and discuss the limits and possibilities generated by this study in relation to other modalities. Finally, we will propose some aspects that could guide other studies and research in this area of expertise.
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