Ways of expressing verbal agression in chinese




Mots-clés :

Impoliteness, Strategies and types, Obscene language, Chinese language, Interpretation in writing


From the early childhood, people hear and learn impolite utterance and use it in a situated context. This article suggests the study of the phenomenon of ‘impolitenesses in Chinese language, about why and when people use impoliteness words. From the early childhood, we hear obscene language or impolite statements in the direction of a person, situation, or some things. The article deals with statements that have an addressee and a listener. With the help of certain strategies that will be analyzed, the person attempts to influence on the other. In turn, statements are divided into certain categories, have their own nuances and frequency of use. The Chinese language is no exception. The frequency of using obscene language in Chinese is increasing dramatically, which is partly due to the widespread use of social networks and the Internet in general. People have the opportunity to write literature without censorship, to post angry comments under news and records, since it is possible to do this anonymously. We will analyze different kinds of Chinese obscene language, its types, usage contexts, etc. In addition, we will try to give a clear definition of ‘impoliteness’ that combines all previous existing ones. We hope that this work will help in understanding the goals of verbal ‘impoliteness’, its specific points and ways of interpretation in writing, with the examples like comments and literary statements.



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Comment citer

GLUSHKOVA, S. Y.; MUKHAMETZYANOVA, A. A. Ways of expressing verbal agression in chinese. Revista EntreLinguas, Araraquara, v. 7, n. esp.3, p. e021061, 2021. DOI: 10.29051/el.v7iesp.3.15732. Disponível em: https://periodicos.fclar.unesp.br/entrelinguas/article/view/15732. Acesso em: 12 janv. 2025.