Physical education in children education: a study of municipal schools in the city of Limeira/SP
School, Physical education, Pedagogical tendencies.Abstract
School Physical Education underwent profound changes in the 1980s, which were related to the emergence of new pedagogical tendencies for this field. Thus, this article has as general objective to analyze whether there are relations between the discourse of the Physical Education teachers of municipal schools of the city of Limeira, in the interior of Sao Paulo state, and the pedagogical tendencies suggested for preschoolers. To meet the objectives outlined in this study, the qualitative approach was used, using field research, using a registration form and a semi-structured interview. We interviewed ten teachers who teach classes in this discipline for children from three to six years old in municipal schools of Early Childhood Education in the urban area of Limeira. The data reveal that most teachers emphasize having the habit of reading, but only one made mention to an author related to the tendencies studied in this work. As to the knowledge and use of pedagogical tendencies, three out of ten mentioned knowing the tendencies studied in this study and only one mentioned knowing and working the Constructivist and Psychomotricity. It was noticed that nine out of ten interviewees mentioned that they had access to this topic at graduation. The study led us to reflect that there is neither a tendency or another that is elucidated, but it is possible to join actions aiming to contribute to the pedagogical action of the teacher.Downloads
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