The absence of dialogue in the process of professional formation in health in remote education: impacts on the learning and mental health of academics
Professional qualification, Remote teaching, Dialogue, Learning, Mental healthAbstract
In this text the objective is to analyze the meanings that students have been producing about the process of professional health education in remote education. To achieve the proposed objective, we appropriate the theoretical and methodological assumptions of Freirean Pedagogy, especially the assumptions of the dialogue category. The question that guided this research was: In the speeches of students and professors of undergraduate courses in the health area of a public university in Piauí, what are their possible meanings (senses and meanings) produced about the professional formation process in remote education? Ten (10) academics participated in the study, 5 (five) of the Physical Education degree course and 05 of the Bachelor's degree in Psychology. Specifically, on the production of data, the semi-structured interview was used, which took place from October 5 to 7, 2020. The research results show that teaching centered on the teacher, anchored in the dynamics of listening, in the impossibility of saying the word, interaction and exchange of experiences hampers the knowledge production process. In addition, the meanings produced from the speeches of the academics investigated, show that the absence of dialogue, in addition to making it impossible to pronounce the world through words, institutes the culture of pretending to teach and pretending to learn. For them, this situation causes pain and suffering, as they feel guilty about the teaching process. Which in turn ends up impacting mental health. We believe that the meanings produced by students, from Physical Education and Psychology courses to the process of professional formation in health in remote education, led them to become aware of the absence of dialogue that hinders learning and impacts mental health.
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