About the Journal

The Journal Cadernos de Campo is a semi-annual publication edited by students of the Graduate Program in Social Sciences of the Faculty of Sciences and Letters in Araraquara (Fclar) of the Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” University (UNESP). The journal aims to disseminate the scientific studies and researches produced by graduate students and professors of the social science field. It prioritizes the academic nature of studies and dialogues with other subareas like anthropology, political science and sociology and, including related areas, such as history, geography, pedagogy, economy, international relations and philosophy, in order to comprise a wide variety of areas in the humanities.


CHAMADA DE ARTIGOS PARA DOSSIÊ: Democracia, redes sociais e Inteligência Artificial


A Cadernos de Campo: Revista de Ciências Sociais convida pesquisadoras e pesquisadores a submeterem trabalhos ao dossiê Democracia, redes sociais e Inteligência Artificial, organizado por Luis Gustavo Mello Grohmann (UFRGS) e Fábio Hoffmann (UFRGS).

Submissões ao dossiê serão aceitas até 31 de agosto de 2024.

Read more about CHAMADA DE ARTIGOS PARA DOSSIÊ: Democracia, redes sociais e Inteligência Artificial

Current Issue

(2023), v. 23, esp. 2: Epistemologia Feminina: as mulheres e suas lutas no campo e na cidade das Amazônias
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