Functioning of emotive causatives in categorial semantic complexes
Emotive causative, Functional-semantic category, Categorical semantic complex, Intercategorical interaction, Categorical semantic subcomplexAbstract
The linguistics of emotions currently occupies an important position in research. Emotions, permeating all human activities, are reflected at all levels of the language. This determines the vast interest of linguists to them. The authors of the article consider the class of emotive causatives and its functional semantic features. This class is a subclass of causatives, the semantics of which is associated with the impact in order to evoke certain emotions. The functional features of these units lie in the fact that they are the result of intercategorical interaction. The language unit forms categorical semantic complexes while interacting in speech with elements of the environment and other categories within the framework of a categorical situation. The authors of the article analyze emotive-causative categorical semantic complex. Expression is the product of emotion, and emotions arise under the influence of means of expressiveness. Thus, using the example of emotive causatives, we observe intercategorical interaction of different-level elements of the language system in speech.
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