The features of the organization of the process of teaching chinese students-philologists the homonym vocabulary of the russian language
Chinese students-philologists, Homonyms, Homographs, Principles of training, Strategies of training, A set of exercisesAbstract
The article discusses the issues of teaching Chinese students - philologists the homonymous vocabulary of the Russian language. The authors propose a description of the organization of the process of teaching the homonymous vocabulary as a system, an analysis of its constituent elements and the relationships existing between them. The necessary set of skills and abilities is determined, allowing the individual to use correctly the homonyms of the Russian language in the process of communication, as well as the specific difficulties that Chinese students face in the process of studying the homonymous vocabulary. The article also formulates the basic principles of teaching Chinese students-philologists the homonyms of Russian language and describes a set of exercises. All provisions of the article are illustrated by examples. The material of such article was used in Philosophy and Social Science Planned Project of Heilongjiang Province (2020),The Practical Research of Cultivating the Compound Foreign Language Teachers in Heilongjiang Province from the Perspective View of ESP (20YYD218).
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