Right hemisphere strategy and consideration of lateral profile as an innovative technology for teaching russian as a foreign language to chinese students





Cognitive style, Functional asymmetry of the two cerebral hemispheres, Right-hemisphere educational strategy, Russian language, Chinese students


The study is relevant due to a growing scientific interest in the specific features of thinking and cognitive styles of Western and Eastern civilizations, as well as individual ethnic groups that make up these civilizations, at the junction of the humanities and natural sciences. The authors of this article consider the connection between such a psychophysiological phenomenon as the lateral asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres and the cognitive approach in teaching Russian as a foreign language. According to the cognitive style, Eastern thinking refers to the right hemisphere, while Western thinking inclines to the left hemisphere, which creates a cognitive conflict-academic situation in the learning process. The article addresses the solution of the indicated problems caused by the insufficient consideration of ethno-psycho-physiological features of such students. The paper substantiates the thesis that the Chinese can master knowledge, develop various skills and abilities using the right hemisphere learning strategy with due regard to the theory of functional asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres.


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Author Biographies

Galina Shanturova, A.S. Pushkin State Institute of the Russian Language). Moscow – Russia

Associate Professor.

Marina Shutova, A.S. Pushkin State Institute of the Russian Language). Moscow – Russia

Professor, Doctor of Pedagogy.

Svetlana Persiyanova, A.S. Pushkin State Institute of the Russian Language). Moscow – Russia

Associate Professor, Candidate of Philology.

Sergey Khromov, Moscow Polytechnic University. Moscow – Russia

Professor, Doctor of Philology.


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How to Cite

SHANTUROVA, G.; SHUTOVA, M.; PERSIYANOVA, S.; KHROMOV, S. Right hemisphere strategy and consideration of lateral profile as an innovative technology for teaching russian as a foreign language to chinese students. Revista EntreLinguas, Araraquara, v. 8, n. esp.2, p. e022066, 2022. DOI: 10.29051/el.v8iesp.2.17324. Disponível em: https://periodicos.fclar.unesp.br/entrelinguas/article/view/17324. Acesso em: 1 jul. 2024.




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