Language as a consolidating factor of ethnic identity of the russian germans



Mots-clés :

German ethnic group, Characteristics of ethnic identity


The article aims at identifying the attributes of ethnic identity and ethnic concepts of minority groups living in the territory of the Russian Federation, in particular, the Russian Germans living in the city of Glazov and the Vyatka-Kama region. The relevance of the study is determined by the need to understand and to study the shared characteristics of the ethnic identity of the German ethnic group: national self-awareness, preservation and revival of the ethnic culture and traditions, language preservation. The materials of the research are the tape recordings of unprepared German and Russian speech which were made during dialectological and ethnographic expeditions to Glazov. The speech of three informants is analyzed in the study. Nine main parameters of the ethnic identity are examined in relation to the Russian Germans of Glazov: common history, common territory, religion, living environment, family background, folklore, behavior standards, mentality of the ethnic group, and the common language. The language is described in more detail in the study. The results of the study suggest that the ethnic identity of the Russian Germans in question is a changing dynamic category. In our opinion, the language is the most important consolidating factor of the cultural integrity of an ethnic group, an instrument for sharing culturally important information and experience; so it is one of the core parameters of ethnic identity of the Russian Germans living in Glazov. This article will be of interest to researchers in the field of German dialectology and German speech islands.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Olga Baykova, Vyatka State University (VYATKA), Kirov

Professor and Head of the Department of Linguistics and Translation.

Olga Obukhova, Vyatka State University (VYATKA), Kirov

Associate Professor, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Linguistics and Candidate of Philological Sciences.

Galina Porchesku, Russian State Agrarian University, Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy (RSAU-MTAA), Moscow

Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign and Russian Languages.

Natalia Kryukova, Tver State University (TVERSU), Tver

Full Professor and Head of the Chair of the English Language. Doctor of Science in Philology.


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Comment citer

BAYKOVA, O.; OBUKHOVA, O.; BEREZINA, Y.; PORCHESKU, G.; KRYUKOVA, N. Language as a consolidating factor of ethnic identity of the russian germans. Revista EntreLinguas, Araraquara, v. 7, n. esp.2, p. e021024, 2021. DOI: 10.29051/el.v7iesp.2.15150. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 juill. 2024.