Teaching and learning english and the native speaker decentralization
Teaching, Learning, English language, Speaker, Decentralization.Abstract
This paper is a brief reflection about the teaching and learning of English. It highlights the presence and relevance of learning this language nowadays, to take part in several actions which are engendered through this language. Under the light of Applied Linguistic, it puts in check the native speaker as mythical creature and suggests its decentralization in the English language context, aiming at legitimizing the new speaker of this global language. To warm this reflection, it takes as base the global lingua franca status that English achieves in the contemporaneity, and therefore, for a better implementation of this process, this paper discusses fundamental issues, such as identity, ideology, native and non-native speaker. This reflection converges to the fact that it is necessary to break with hegemonic patterns, because this approach is outdated, and to learn to teach a more local English.Downloads
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