Revealing of representations and images as conceptualization of semantic experience
Image, Metaphor, Representation, Figurative meaningAbstract
An interest in linguistic imagery is determined by a new scientific paradigm established in linguistic knowledge, the center of which is a subject of language. Representation is understood as an imagery of things, restored from traces preserved in the brain with no these things and phenomena. To imagine means to think with complex series of thoughts, without introducing almost any of these complex series into consciousness. The image of representation serves as a heuristic way of acquiring of knowledge. The paper defines attributes of images and their characteristic. Words standing for objects of nature, artifacts, zoomorphisms, that is, a specific vocabulary that names the realities pertaining to the life of people, are more figurative. Generalization and abstractness of the image develop as a word is applied to new figurative metaphorical meanings, that is, in the process of comprehending a polysemious word.
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