About the Journal

Focus and Scope

DOXA publications are concerned with the Broad Areas of Psychology and Education, including especially the subfields at their interface:

Educational Psychology;
Mental Health;
Developmental Psychology;
Institutional Care;
Psychology in Public Health;
History of Psychology;
History of Education;
Information and Communication Technologies in Education;
Teacher Training;
Sexuality and Sex Education;
Gender Studies;
Special and Inclusive Education;
Youth and Adult Education;
Higher Education;
School Cultures; among others

Peer Review Process

The manuscripts sent to Doxa are first evaluated regarding the formatting and the complete registration of the authors. If they do not meet the guidelines for authors, the manuscripts are returned, indicating the required requests. Our average time for this task is 12 to 24 weeks, depending on the flow of articles submitted to the journal.

After entering the review process, articles are evaluated in two rounds of review. The first by members of the Editorial Board and the second by invited ad hoc referees. In the first, the following items are evaluated: formatting; ABNT norms; figures, images, pictures, and respective sources; presentation of the manuscript in the Journal's template; abstracts in English, Spanish, and Portuguese; number of pages; preliminary triage as to scientificity, clarity, innovation, and novelty.

In the second round of evaluation, the article is distributed to referees respecting the adequacy between the theme and the specialist's area of knowledge. All texts are submitted to the evaluation of at least two referees in a blinded process, according to the following criteria: appropriateness of the title to the content; internal structure of the article; clarity and pertinence of the objectives; consistent methodology that supports the proposed analyses; results and discussion that bring a scientific contribution - innovative approach, critical, reflective, or creative vision, offering advances to knowledge -; citations and references appropriate to the technical standards adopted by the journal; and pertinence to the editorial line of the publication.

The reviewers fill out a standard form with options already determined, in which there is an open field for justifying the final decision by accepting, rejecting, or recommending corrections and/or necessary adjustments to the articles. This initial evaluation process takes, on average, two months.

In case of disagreement between the evaluators on the pertinence or otherwise of publication, the article is sent to a third evaluator and the result is submitted to the Editorial Board for final judgment.

If changes are requested, the article may be forwarded for further evaluation. Spelling and grammatical alterations in the language of the article, as well as abstracts and titles in English and Spanish, are the responsibility of the author(s). No additions or changes are allowed after approval of the final review. The articles are then available for publication in protocol order.


Starting in 2021 it is Continuous Publication.

Continuous publication refers to a single issue, annually, in the months of January through December. The publication will occur in blocks of articles approved by referees and soon after they are revised, normalized, and translated into English.

Open Access Policy

Doxa does not charge submission fees to authors and offers free access to its contents, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the general public provides greater democratization of access to information, a condition for citizens to enhance the exercise of freedom of choice based on and above their interests.


Criteria for organization of dossier / Dossier criteria for organization

Dossiers are issues organized by guests, researchers, and professors. In the organization of the dossiers, they will be observed as to the inter-institutional character and address themes of relevance to the area distinct and specified to the Focus and Scope of the journal. The objective of the dossier is to broaden the academic debate, foster research exchanges, and/or deepen the formative experiences in research and/or teaching with the national and international scientific community.

The evaluation of the dossier proposal takes place in two stages:

First, the proponent(s) must send the dossier's menu, with the name and institutional identification of the proponents (three, maximum, and preferably one of them with a doctoral degree), as well as with the titles of the papers, authors and institutional affiliation (Institution, department and graduate program). Authors must follow the submission guidelines. The organizers will be responsible for sending the material in the stages.

Guidelines for authors and submission guidelines: https:/drive.google.com/open?id=1t3pwnJXEjQBhE8RIeqFAjDvDBNThMEGY

Standard template/template of the downloadable article: <https://drive.google.com/file/d/1a0LeKtsS_0TrbXzfA2x13_V0-e2cQlgL/view>.

Only papers with a maximum of 3 (three) authors will be accepted from undergraduate, masters and doctoral students accompanied by a professor/doctor/advisor.

The organizers are responsible for sending the Presentation/Preface of the Dossier in Portuguese, Spanish and English. (The journal has an external team for revision and translation into Spanish and English; revision in Portuguese, formatting and normalization).

Articles should contain a maximum of 15 pages, including references. References must not exceed 1/3 of the number of paragraphs in the article. The abstract must not exceed 250 words or ten (10) lines with five (05) key words separated by periods. ABNT norms.

The organizers will be responsible for submitting all articles in the platform (it is mandatory to include all the author's data, such as telephone, individual e-mail, institutional affiliation, department, country, ORCID, Link/URL of Lattes/CNPq). When submitting the articles, they must submit the originality and authorship statements signed and with ID and CPD scanned and signed); When submitting the articles, they must pay attention to correctly fill out the Title in lowercase, keywords separated by period, and references in the proper field of the SEER/OJS platform submission).

In this first stage, full papers should not be submitted.

The dossier proposal must contain:

1. Brief outline of the Dossier.

2. Relevance of the proposed theme to the journal's field - Focus and Scope.
3. Thematic axis of the Dossier: It should be noted that the works should have as their main axis a well-defined theme proposed by an organizer.
4. Name of each article and authors - full names and institutional affiliation: articles should be authored by researchers from institutions that are not repeated in the same dossier (different institutions).  The dossier should contain between 8 (minimum) and 12 (maximum) articles. 
5. Person(s) responsible for the dossier - name, institution and e-mail. The dossier may be proposed by up to three people, at least one of whom must hold a PhD. The person responsible for the Dossier should also send the proposal to the journal's e-mail address. 

After the first phase, if the dossier proposal is approved, the complete articles that compose the dossier must be inserted in the online platform of the journal and will be evaluated by referees, following the usual procedure of the journal, that is, double-blind, at least. The organizer(s) will be responsible for the execution of all the work and management of the articles of the dossier.

Submission of the dossier's articles for evaluation is subject to the following conditions

1. Follow the rules of publications and bibliographic standardization (references and citations);

2. Submissions of the papers that will compose the Dossier must be registered directly in the system, according to the guidelines in: Online Submission. Copies of the articles with and without identification should also be sent by e-mail. In addition, each author must complete the "Declaration of Originality" in the link: Declaration of Originality and Declaration of Authorship (and order of authors). 

This declaration must be sent scanned with the respective signatures, copies of ID and CPF to the journal's e-mail and be attached to the metadata at the time of article submission.

For the paper to be identified in the submission system, in the title field of the metadata or in the information/communication to the editor field, initially to the title put the word Dossier followed (undeline) by the first name of the Responsible and the title of each paper.


Dossier_Raquel_The differences of each student in their academic development

All articles, presentations will be mandatorily reviewed, edited in the final process by the internal and external team of the journal.

Information: revistadoxafclar@gmail.com

Good practice in scientific publication/Code of Ethics - COPE Core practices

The editors and members of the editorial and advisory boards of this Journal endorse the Code of Good Scientific Practice published by FAPESP in 2014.


It is recommended that all authors and reviewers read the document, available at the link below.

The editors and members of both editorial and advisory boards of this Journal endorse the Code of Good Scientific Practice published by FAPESP in 2014.

It is recommended that all authors and reviewers read the document, available at the following link.

Link: <http://www.fapesp.br/boaspraticas/FAPESP-Codigo_de_Boas_Praticas_Cientificas_2014.pdf>.


CORE - Promoting integrity in research and its publication. Link: <https://publicationethics.org/core-practices>.

Code of Conduct: <https://publicationethics.org/resources/code-conduct>.

Our core practices:


Core practices are the policies and practices journals and publishers need to reach the highest standards
in publication ethics. We include cases with advice, guidance for day-to-day practice, education modules
and events on topical issues, to support journals and publishers fulfill their policies. (COPE, 2018, web)

CSE White Paper 2012 Guidelines / White Paper on Publication Ethics

Portuguese (ABEC translation)




Download Template Article

Download Template/Article DOXA. 


Guidelines, Submission and Evaluation Criteria for Authors and Organizers

Access the guidelines and standards for authors. Follow the instructions for proper submission of your manuscript.



When submitting your manuscript, you must insert the originality and authorship statement in the supplementary documents.




The author(s) assume(s) the responsibility when submitting to DOXA: Revista Brasileira de Psicologia e Educação, and, if they submit to another vehicle (journal, book, etc.) after the peer review has started, or if they decide to publish the article in another scientific communication medium after receiving the letter "accepted" or "accepted with modifications", the title of the article, my name (and of the coauthors, if any) and my institutional affiliation will be published in the RETraction section.

I understand that if plagiarism or self-plagiarism is identified during the evaluation process, the article will not be published, the title of the article, name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s) will appear in the RETRACTATION section.

If any errors are discovered by DOXA or others (when communicating by e-mail), the journal will have a period of 30 to 180 days to resolve them, such as duplicate articles, complete authorship information, ethical misconduct by authors. The time will depend on the need for evaluation, opinion and solutions.


Iberoamerican Publisher of Education

Prof. Dr. José Anderson Santos Cruz - Executive Assistant Editor - Journal Advisory.

(14) 98153-8896

Journal History

Previously DOXA: Revista Paulista de Psicologia da Educação

e-ISSN: 2594-8385



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