Color terms and phraseological units of sports jargon

Russian and French Languages




Language worldview, Sports communication, Linguoculture, Sports terms, Phraseology


The study discusses some aspects of sports communication and linguistic worldview with due regard to national and cultural parameters. In particular, the authors of the article study sport phraseological units with coloronim-components in Russian and French. They describe various components of sports worldview in two linguistic cultures, whose key element is the linguistic personality of a common native speaker. Empirical data are analyzed and interpreted on the basis of the linguo-semiotic approach, i.e., within the framework of a discourse statement and at the level of the nominative fund of Russian and French. Sports terms are considered at the level of general linguistic and ethno-cultural dominants of national jargons. The hypothesis is that the structure of any discourse is based on the use of professional and jargon (in particular sports) terms. Their semantics correlates with the linguistic self-identification of each nation.


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Author Biographies

Arkadiy Petrovich Sedykh, Belgorod National Research University (BNRV), Belgorod – Russia; Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shoukhov (BSTU), Belgorod – Russia; Moscow International University (MIU), Moscow – Russia

Doctor of Sciences in Philology.

Valerio Emanuele, CY Cergy Paris University (CYU), Cergy – France

PhD in language sciences.

Elvira Nikolajevna Akimova, Pushkin State Russian Language Institute (PSRLI), Moscow – Russia; Mordovia State University (MRSU), Saransk – Russia

Department of the Russian Language. Professor.

Konstantin Viktorovich Skvortsov, Russian University of Transport (RUT), Moscow – Russia

Associate Professor.

Andrey Vladimirovich Shcherbakov, Pushkin State Russian Language Institute, Moscow – Russia

Scientific Director of the Center for research of media communications.

Arina Gennadievna Zhukova, Pushkin State Russian Language Institute, Moscow – Russia

Head of the Russian Language Arts and Incultural Communication Department.


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How to Cite

SEDYKH, A. P.; EMANUELE, V. .; AKIMOVA, E. N.; SKVORTSOV, K. V. .; SHCHERBAKOV, A. V. .; ZHUKOVA, A. G. . Color terms and phraseological units of sports jargon: Russian and French Languages. Revista EntreLinguas, Araraquara, v. 8, n. esp.1, p. e022024, 2022. DOI: 10.29051/el.v8iesp.1.16937. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 jul. 2024.




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