Parents guidance and training: a clinical experience
Behavioral neuropsychology, Behavior change. Parent training, Parental practices, Parent-child relationship.Abstract
This study aimed to implement and verify the effectiveness of the ‘Parent Orientation and Training Program’, which guides and empowers parents so that they learn to manage the contingencies of their educational practices. It is known that behavior modification techniques have been increasingly employed in the context of Neuropsychology. The article describes a clinical experience in which twenty – six parents participated in eight meetings. Qualitative data, obtained through an evaluation form, revealed high parental satisfaction. The qualitative analysis of the parents’ reports showed that they underwent a process of self-knowledge and presented changes, such as: increased participation and involvement in the childrens’ lives, establishment of clear and consistent rules, greater appreciation of appropriate child behaviors and increased frequency of praise for part of the parents with decrease or abandonment of the use of slaps. The therapeutic approach based on the training, reached its objectives, emphasizing that work of positive attention, prevention and intervention with the parents are necessary to increase the quality in the family interaction.
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