The importance of speech in the therapeutic process in the daseinsanalytic phenomenological approach




Speech, Talk, Daseinsanalytic Phenomenological.


This paper presents the importance of the dimension of speech in the therapeutic process in the phenomenological approach of Daseinsanalytic, understanding as constituent of the being in the existential ontological structure through which Dasein shows itself. A brief history of Daseinsanalytic elucidates the realization of man as human in language, submitting the support of the therapeutic process by speech. Articulated with language, in which listening and silence merge in understanding, it has been tried to show that, through original speech, Dasein in opening has the possibility to modify and transform his way of existing, while secondary speech puts man in closing, distancing him from choosing his way of being. The qualitative and descriptive methodology of data collection in the bibliographical field, with authors dealing with the subject, corroborated with the understanding that speech in psychotherapy is a transit route for the modification and transformation of his way of being and existing.


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Author Biographies

Raquel Lessa da Silva Jacinto, Centro Universitário de Barra Mansa (UBM), Barra Mansa – RJ

Graduada no curso de Psicologia.

Maria Aparecida Magalhães Salles, Centro Universitário de Barra Mansa (UBM), Barra Mansa – RJ

Professora do curso de Psicologia e Coordenadora do Curso de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia.


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How to Cite

JACINTO, R. L. da S.; SALLES, M. A. M. The importance of speech in the therapeutic process in the daseinsanalytic phenomenological approach. DOXA: Revista Brasileira de Psicologia e Educação, Araraquara, v. 22, n. 1, p. 315–328, 2020. DOI: 10.30715/doxa.v22iesp.1.14136. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.